WordPress 5.9 Release Delayed After Big Red Flags Discovered

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Sienna Rowley
Sienna Rowley
Sienna is an editor at Cloud Host News. She is an internet enthusiast, always eager to explore the latest trend in the tech space. She is a modest family woman who loves traveling in her free time.

WordPress developers have unanimously decided to delay the release of WordPress 5.9 following developers’ concerns over the development pace of the next big update of the highly popular CMS websites.

WordPress 5.9 was initially scheduled to be released during December month. But, things weren’t working seamlessly as they should be during the alpha release. This, as a result, made developers rethink and postpone the release to a later date i.e January 25, 2022.

Addison Stavlo, a contributor to WordPress’ Gutenberg editor wrote that he thinks there are a few large red flags that make the release impossible to release within time. She further said that it looks at the moment they are hurrying things in a hazardous way. So the developers gradually decided to postpone the release.

Stavlo said that she wasn’t quite impressed by changes (so many) at the last minute and thereby creating a hotchpotch. Hence, they thought delaying the release will be a better idea.

Meanwhile, Tonya Mork, Core Tech Lead for WordPress 5.9 announced that the team had two choices: either ship major features and other unfixed bugs to WordPress 6.0 release or postpone the WordPress 5.9 release to a later date. The core developers then collectively decided that it is better to handle it later than now.

Mork further explained that the 6.0 release will not come before April 2022; too long for the community to wait for the features.

The Core Editor team at WordPress assessed the whole list of issues and observed that the features could be offered in the 5.9 update with the revised schedule.

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