(HC) which is a global cloud services provider announced the launch of the new Office Cloud server. The office Cloud server is a custom-built business collaboration service that provides some exclusive features. The features include share and collaborate on office documents, send and receive the email, as well as handle their calendar and have video chats in a safe private IT environment. The server operates on the organization’s dedicated Private Cloud Infrastructure. Furthermore, the Office Cloud is compatible with both physical (Bare-Metal) Dedicated servers and Virtual (Cloud) servers.
Flexible data center selection provides its clients with Flexible data center selection. Flexible data center selection means the organizations can select their preferable data center location to deploy the Office Cloud environment. has data center service locations in the United States in South Bend (IN), Chicago (IL), New York, Ashburn, Atlanta, Miami, Dallas, Denver, Seattle, Los Angeles. Besides this HostColor delivers Office Cloud services from 38 geolocations in the European Union, Canada, Australia, Singapore, Hong Kong, Japan, South Korea, and India.
Dimitar Avramov Host Color’s CEO said “Our company’s Office Cloud is arguably the most reliable business collaboration infrastructure service on the market. The Office cloud is much secure and cost-effective than online office suite services. The server is owned by organizations thereby prevents data leaks. The Office Cloud supports companies to optimize and develop their organizational structure by connecting their on-premise IT infrastructure to the Cloud in a secure, private environment.”
Expanded on Infrastructure in South Bend, Indiana, the Office Cloud provides the company’s clients the chance to use services like High Availability (HA) and Automated Fault-Tolerance (AFT).
The High Availability function (HA) observes the Office Cloud’s server operating system for failure and outage. If any is discovered, the HA restarts the Office Cloud on another physical host, part of the Host Color Cloud Infrastructure. All processes and services continue automatically. The Automated Fault-Tolerance (AFT) is a service that reduces the risk of an Office Cloud outage. AFT creates a duplicate Office Cloud server, which is synchronized and always up-to-date with the primary one. In an event of a hardware outage, the AFT automatically starts the failover Office Cloud server, ensuring zero downtime and limiting data loss.
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